Award Awards
2024 Vernon L. Smith Excellence Award
Rahul Bhui (MIT)
Peiran Jiao (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
We are pleased to announce that Rahul Bhui (MIT) and Peiran Jiao (Maastricht University) won the 2024 Vernon L. Smith Excellence Award in Experimental Finance for their paper “Attention Constraints and Learning in Categories”, published in Management Science (
The award panel is excited about this important contribution to categorical thinking, giving us a clearer view of the drivers and consequences of inattention. The panel members were Camelia Kuhnen (University of South Carolina), Nobuyuki Hanaki (OsakaUniversity), Christine Laudenbach
(Goethe University) and Stefan Palan (University of Graz).
Congratulations, Rahul and Peiran!