News Conferences SEF Events Summer Schools
EF and EFSS 2025, Call open
Maastricht University and the Society for Experimental Finance (SEF) invite you to the Experimental Finance 2025 (June 12-14) and the Summer School (June 10-11) in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The conference also serves as the society’s 15th annual meeting.
Keynotes and Lecturers
We are delighted to announce Rosemarie Nagel and Itay Goldstein as our conference keynote speakers. Both volunteered to give lectures in our summer school two days before the conference. Jean Paul Rabanal and Christian König-Kersting will complete the lecturer team.
Submissions and Applications
For the conference, we invite you to submit full papers or extended abstracts with a minimum of 1000 words using experimental methods and covering all areas of finance, broadly defined. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by two anonymous referees.
For the summer school, we invite young scholars interested in expanding their knowledge and skills in experimental finance to apply. We will give priority to applicants from the area of economics and finance who have not yet completed their PhDs. Please prepare your CV and a letter of motivation.
More information on both events is available in our event section, here (EF) and here (EFSS). We handle submissions and applications through ConfTool at
Important Dates
March 14: Deadline for submissions and applications
April 18: Notification of acceptance
May 16: Registration deadline
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers. We hope to meet many of you in Maastricht!
Best regards