
Event Conferences

ASSA Session 2025


Registration is closed.

Recently, the SEF became a member of the ASSA, and, as of 2025, we have our own session at the annual meetings. The Paper Session “Experiments in Finance” will be on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, 10:15 AM – 12:15 PM (PST). The Welcome Reception will be on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM (PST). Both events will be at San Francisco Marriott Marquis. The speakers are

  • Sascha Füllbrunn – Welcome Address
  • Anna Bayona – Credit ratings and investments (Discussant: John Duffy)
  • Peter Bossaerts – How General Equilibrium in Markets with Indivisible Goods Obtains Thanks to Complexity (Alec Smith)
  • Olga Rud – ETF indexing strategies and asset prices: Experimental evidence (Steve Heinke)
  • Terrance Odean – Disposed to Be Overconfident (Peiran Jiao)

The preliminary program can be found here.

Questions? Contact the secretary Sascha Füllbrunn

(update from Aug. 29, 2024)