A group photo of women in experimental finance.

Groups in the SEF

Groups are communities of joint interests, organized under the roof of the SEF. Please join groups you are interested in and feel free to propose new groups if you feel there is sufficient interest in a particular topic!


Women in Experimental Finance

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This is an invitation for all members of the SEF to join a new initiative aiming to create a network of support and mentorship for women in our field. We propose to meet virtually on Tuesdays for now because meetings will be almost 100% scientific, with one woman scheduled to present an early-stage research project for 45 minutes, and 15 minutes of open discussion (of the presentation or other). Simultaneously, we will start a virtual clipboard for all to propose topics for discussion in the meeting. As they accumulate, a scheduled monthly meeting can be dedicated to the discussion of clipboard topics (via an interview to a special guest, a round table, town house, or another format) and consequently the time schedule could be arranged accordingly.

Meetings are typically held at 8pm UTC (9pm Paris, 3pm New York; 7am in Sydney). We understand that the timing may not be ideal for all, but we tried to keep the series as inclusive as possible to the different time zones. While the meeting is women and experimental finance related, we welcome those who do not define themselves as women and yet would like to participate and we will extend the invitation to persons working on experimental finance who are not yet members of the society.

What should you do if you are interested in this initiative?

Please add “Women in EF” to the list of topics you are interested in in your member’s profile.

Let us know, if you wish to present in this group in the near future.

A few words about the question “why should women form a special group?” 

There are three main reasons. First, like any minority group, women working in academic finance can feel intimidated, forced to adopt a language and style that are not their own, and isolated in their departments when facing doubts on issues of little interest to the majority group. We follow research results and experience from other societies that suggest that additional activities, mentoring, and support can make a difference in mitigating that. Second, although this is changing, the problem of balancing career and family life (e.g., being a single parent), is still more prominently a female problem. We would like to provide an additional stage for female researchers that does not require traveling and an additional possibility to discuss such challenges. Third, and not least, it is the right time to do this in the SEF.

Past events

Experimental Sustainable Finance

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After the Experimental Sustainable Finance symposium at Radboud University in April 2024, the hosts decided to start a group in the SEF environment. The symposium focused on the utilization of the Experimental Finance methodology (e.g. Füllbrunn and Haruvy, 2022), in the context of contemporary research inquiries within Sustainable Finance (e.g. Edmans and Kacperczyk, 2022). Participating scholars conveyed insights from both ongoing and previously published research, thoroughly analysed the methodological strengths and limitations, and contemplated novel applications of this approach.

Find the report at SSRN:
Sascha Füllbrunn, Sébastien Duchêne and Peiran Jiao, Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium (May 6, 2024). Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4818198

This group aims to update its members on recent developments and research collaborations.

Past events