
Publication / 2024

Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium


Sascha Füllbrunn (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)

Sébastien Duchêne (Montpellier Business School, France)

Peiran Jiao (Maastricht University, Netherlands)


Füllbrunn, Sascha and Duchene, Sebastien and Jiao, Peiran, Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium (May 6, 2024). Available at SSRN:

Presented at these events

Experimental Sustainable Finance (Nijmegen Netherlands)

This report gives a short overview about objectives and insights of the Experimental Sustainable Finance symposium at Radboud University in April 2024. The symposium focused on the utilization of the Experimental Finance methodology (e.g. Füllbrunn and Haruvy, 2022), in the context of contemporary research inquiries within Sustainable Finance (e.g. Edmans and Kacperczyk, 2022). Participating scholars conveyed insights from both ongoing and previously published research, thoroughly analysed the methodological strengths and limitations, and contemplated novel applications of this approach.